Content strategy + audit

Imagine not throwing your time and money into a content black hole. A bespoke content strategy, crafted by a seasoned B2B copywriter, ensures you’re not just shouting into the digital void but turning readers into customers.

Your content strategy is your brand’s roadmap, ensuring every piece of content:

  • Aligns with your big business goals
  • Lands on the perfect platform for your audience
  • Hits your key messages with precision
  • Builds a rock-solid, consistent brand image
  • Guides your ideal customer on a journey that leads to conversion.

Without one, you’re just tossing content into the abyss with no measure of whether it is driving results. You’re wasting your time and money.

My process, honed from extensive experience in copywriter services, involves a deep dive into your existing content, crafting a messaging framework and developing a strategy that drives tangible, oh-so-sweet results.

  • Content audit
  • Messaging framework
  • Content strategy
  • Delivery plan

I’ll send you a content strategy document and a delivery plan to make sure your content is rolled out effectively. Fancy handling the delivery yourself? Go for it. Want me to pen the content? I’m ready.

If you’re just here to figure out what’s working (and what’s not) with your current content, my content audit service has your name on it.

Schedule a free 30-minute call today to find out how to turn your content into customers. No strings attached.

Content strategy + audit
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